Juvenile justice and the need for an experienced defense attorney

On Behalf of | Jun 21, 2013 | Juvenile Crimes |

Like most professionals, attorneys tend to focus their attention on particular areas of the law. This focus allows the attorney to become highly experienced and skilled in a particular field and therefore better serve their clients.. Experience is critical in a legal world which is complex and constantly changing. One area of the law where the need for experience is especially apparent is the area of juvenile law. Underage individuals have much to lose and can really benefit from knowledgeable legal counsel.

According to recent news reports, two New Jersey juveniles were recently arrested following a foot chase after the juveniles allegedly stole watches and jewelry from a home. According to a police spokesperson, the two alleged juvenile offenders are ages 16 and 17. Officers from the local area community-policing unit caught up with the two suspects after a nearby resident gave the police unit a description of them.

According to police, the two juveniles allegedly broke into the local area residence through a window at the back of the house around 10:30 in the morning. At least one nearby resident claims that he witnessed at least part of the alleged break in that morning. After the two suspects were detained by local area law enforcement, both juveniles were then transported to the Union County jail and charged with burglary.

Juvenile crimes and the juvenile justice system in the state of New Jersey are dramatically different from the adult justice system. Because of the age of the two offenders in this case, they may be tried as juveniles and could benefit from working with an experience juvenile justice attorney. Regardless of the charges, whether theft, underage drinking or even drug charges, a young adult need to protect his or her interests and fight for a fair outcome of the charges. Legal representation is all the more important when the person charged is not yet even an adult and may not have the faculties to fully understand the consequences at hand.

Source: NJ.com, “2 Elizabeth teens arrested on burglary charges after foot chase,” Richard Khavkine, June 13, 2013


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