Juvenile accused of violent crime tried as an adult

On Behalf of | Jul 19, 2013 | Violent Crimes |

Sometimes minors charged with violent crimes can be charged as adults in New Jersey. The consequences of being charged as an adult for violent offense like assault are much more serious and much more severe than the penalties for juveniles. Because of this, it is vital that juveniles facing an assault charge or any other criminal charge for violent crimes get the right information on how best to defend in the case.

A 17-year-old juvenile offender was recently charged in a violent crime in Alloway, New Jersey, earlier this year. According to authorities, the young man walked into Bud’s Market with a firearm demanding money from the cashier. The event reportedly resulted in a brief struggle and the young man subsequently fled the store without receiving anything from the robbery. Police reportedly arrested the young man at his home later.

Despite the fact that the suspect is 17-years-old and a juvenile, prosecutors moved to have him tried as an adult for the crime. The application to have the crime waived from juvenile court was subsequently approved. While it does not occur in every case, waivers to remove cases from juvenile court to adult court can occur, especially when a juvenile is accused of committing violent criminal offenses.

A criminal conviction for violent crimes, like assault or murder, can carry tough penalties. While a conviction in either juvenile or adult court can be tough on offenders, penalties in the juvenile system are often much more modest. Because of this, it is vital that juvenile offenders accused of violent crimes fight hard not to be tried as an adult in such matters. Remaining in the juvenile justice system can make a world of difference.

Source: NJ.com, “Juvenile charged in armed robbery of Bud’s Market in Alloway to be tried as an adult,” Michael Williams, June 29, 2013


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