Raising a child with autism or mental disabilities can be incredibly challenging, especially when it comes to navigating the juvenile justice system. These kids are more vulnerable and often end up making false confessions, which can lead to unfair charges and...
Juvenile Crimes
What could be the outcome of my child’s court hearing?
A child’s arrest is shocking and worrisome for the parents. You don’t want your child to go to a juvenile detention facility, and you may be afraid that’ll be the outcome of the upcoming hearing they have with the judge. However, you must know that the Juvenile Court...
Does a juvenile arrest mean your child is heading to detention?
Like most parents in New Jersey and across the country, you likely anticipated hitting a few rough patches with your child when he or she reached the teenage years. Though a sullen attitude and lack of interest in spending time with you may have been more of what you...
A fake ID is not worth the trouble
It may be several years before you are old enough to drink alcohol. Now that New Jersey is raising the age for buying tobacco products to 21, you may wonder how you will be able to purchase cigarettes. You may think that getting a fake ID will get you access to places...
Has your child been charged with a crime?
You undoubtedly love your child more than anything in this world. As he or she has grown before your eyes, you have certainly witnessed many great achievements as well as many mistakes that he or she has made. Successes and mishaps are a part of growing up, and no one...
Juvenile crimes: New Jersey teens accused of arson
Recent reports stated that two individuals were taken into custody after being suspected of setting brush fires in New Jersey. The individuals are facing charges for juvenile crimes as they were both reported as being 13 years old. There had apparently been multiple...
Juvenile crimes: New Jersey teens accused of assault
When individuals who are considered minors are accused of criminal activity, their cases may be handled differently than if adults were involved. Juvenile crimes could potentially be complicated for the individuals who have had charges filed against them, and as a...
Juvenile crimes: New Jersey teen facing charges
When young people are accused of criminal activity, their predicaments may be complicated for themselves and their families. Juvenile crimes can lead to serious charges that individuals may not fully understand or know how to handle. However, assistance is available...
Juvenile crimes: New Jersey teen accused of terroristic threats
Individuals who are considered minors may face different judicial proceedings after being charged with a crime than individuals who are considered adults. Juvenile crimes can vary in their severity, and each case is unique to the parties involved. Nonetheless,...
Juvenile crimes: New Jersey teens, preteen suspected of burglary
When juveniles are suspected to have been involved in illegal activity, their cases may be handled differently than if they were adults. However, the circumstances of juvenile crimes can weigh heavily on how the individuals involved are considered. In some cases,...
Alleged juvenile assault leads to multiple arrests in New Jersey
When young individuals are charged with criminal activity, it is important that they and their guardians understand the allegations. Juvenile assault and similar charges could lead to minors facing serious punishment if they are convicted. Therefore, individuals may...
Juvenile drug charges filed against New Jersey teen
When a minor is suspected of criminal activity, the circumstances of the situation could play a role in how a potential case is handled. If the crime is severe, a minor could potentially be tried as an adult and face serious possible consequences. However, if a person...
New Jersey program looks to deter underage drinking
When school is out for the summer, many students may try to find way to have fun over their break. Some may even look for that fun to include underage drinking. However, individuals who are looking to participate in such an activity should know that they could face...
New Jersey seeing less youth crime thanks to systemic change
If there is one thing you can count from younger people, it's that they are bound to do something stupid. In a weird way, it's part of life. When you're a young kid or a teenager, you're exploring this great big world of ours -- and part of that exploration leads to...
16-year-old arrested on drug charges in New Jersey
New Jersey children have their whole lives in front of them. They have opportunities that many adults cannot participate in. However, children are prone to making mistakes as they grow into adults. Many children -- particularly teenagers -- are trying to discover who...