What could be the outcome of my child’s court hearing?

On Behalf of | Sep 29, 2021 | Juvenile Crimes |

A child’s arrest is shocking and worrisome for the parents. You don’t want your child to go to a juvenile detention facility, and you may be afraid that’ll be the outcome of the upcoming hearing they have with the judge. However, you must know that the Juvenile Court in New Jersey focuses more on rehabilitation than punishment. The court may only order the confinement of a child in some situations, and they will not think of it as an option for your child unless it is strictly necessary.

The court’s decision

At the hearing, the court will expect your child to admit or deny their charge. Depending on your child’s case, you might need to hire an attorney to represent them in the hearing. The court will review your child’s case and decide which penalties would make them reflect more on their actions. Some of the different penalties and conditions that the court can impose on juveniles are:

  • Community service
  • Fines
  • Required support services
  • Required parental involvement
  • Residential mental health and substance abuse and alcohol treatment
  • Transfer of custody
  • Suspension of driver’s license
  • Secure confinement and incarceration
  • Enrollment in work, academic and vocational programs

The court can impose any of these penalties on your child, depending on their specific situation. It will also be possible for the court to offer your child probation.

Possibility of probation

Probation offers juveniles the opportunity to remain in their communities as long as a probation officer supervises them. There are rules and requirements for probation, and a child must comply with them if they want to dismiss their charges after the term of their probation ends. In New Jersey, probation can last up to three years, but the court can reduce this term if the child shows significant progress and good behavior.

The right to fight back

The court will try to rehabilitate your child in the way they consider best. Although incarceration is a possibility, it is not the court’s preferred solution. However, if they do order confinement, your child has the right to appeal their decision. Your child has the right to fight for their freedom, and they may achieve success if they present the right arguments to the court.


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