How can drivers stay safe and avoid DWIs?

On Behalf of | Sep 25, 2023 | Drunk Driving |

Drunk driving is a highly dangerous behavior with serious implications. Before getting behind the wheel, drivers should be aware of the potential risks to themselves and others.

Likewise, understanding the legal repercussions of driving while intoxicated can also help drivers make informed choices and avoid punishment.

Drinking responsibly

Preventing drunk driving is crucial to protect the safety of everyone on the road. Responsible decision-making and foresight are key. When holding an event with alcohol at home, it is generally safer for guests to stay overnight when possible. Party hosts should prevent intoxicated guests from getting behind the wheel by taking their keys or helping them find a sober ride home. Before a night out on the town, a group can designate one friend to remain sober and drive everyone around. It is also possible to arrange for rideshare services in advance.

Dangers of driving while drunk

Drunk driving poses significant risks on the road, with about 31% of all traffic crash fatalities in the United States involving intoxicated drivers. When individuals choose to drive after consuming alcohol, they do so with impaired judgment and reaction times. This inebriated state can lead to a higher likelihood of accidents and even fatalities. Drunk driving not only endangers the driver’s life but also puts passengers, pedestrians and other road users at grave risk.

First-time DWI penalties

It is also important to stay sober when driving because DWI charges can lead to serious legal consequences. For drivers with no prior convictions within the past decade, a DWI in New Jersey can result in fines ranging from $250 to $400 and a driver’s license suspension lasting up to 3 months. A jail sentence of up to 30 days is also possible. Anyone convicted of a DWI must undergo alcohol and drug screening, followed by participation in an Intoxicated Driver Resource Center program based on the results. Each day spent in the IDRC incurs a $75 fee, but the days completed can also count towards the offender’s jail sentence.

In New York, the penalties for a first-time alcohol DWI are similar. A conviction can lead to fines as high as $500, a 90-day license suspension and a maximum sentence of 15 days in jail. However, a drug-related DWI in New York could result in much harsher consequences, including ignition interlock requirements and jail sentences lasting up to one year.

Safer driving practices, including responsible alcohol consumption, are essential for preventing harm and avoiding legal trouble.


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