Sentencing for sex crimes in New Jersey may become stricter

On Behalf of | Jun 6, 2014 | Sex Crimes |

When it comes to law changes, it is important for individuals who could potentially be affected to pay close attention. A person who has been accused of a crime may wish to learn more about law changes in order to adjust their approach to any criminal proceedings that they may be facing. Individuals who have been suspected of and/or charged with sex crimes in New Jersey may wish to take such action after a new law was recently implemented.

Reports indicated that the governor of the state passed a new bill into law that would allow stricter punishment for sex crimes in certain situations. These situations would be ones in which the alleged crime involved children under the age of 13. This law dictates an obligatory 25-year sentence for anyone convicted of a crime that meets these criteria.

Reports indicate that this type of law is being signed all across the country with the intended hope that individuals who have been convicted will be less likely to commit such a crime again. However, in order for some alleged victims to not have to testify, there could be negotiations for a 15-year sentence. Though such laws can be beneficial, it is important that this stricter law is not abused.

Individuals who have been accused of sex crimes should be given a fair trial. As they move forward with their criminal proceedings, deciding how to approach certain aspects will likely be important to them. New Jersey residents who are in this type of situation may wish to assess their specific circumstances in order to feel more confident in the legal routes they choose to pursue.

Source: CBS New York, “Gov. Chris Christie Signs Sex Offender Bill Into Law“, , June 2, 2014
