Individuals charged with aggravated assault in New Jersey

On Behalf of | Jan 29, 2015 | Violent Crimes |

Many individuals are aware that alcohol consumption can cause people to act in ways that are not suited for certain situations. If an individual is confronted after he or she has been drinking, the situation could potentially escalate, and an individual may become combative. If authorities believe that an individual acted in a violent manner, that person could potentially face charges of aggravated assault.

Two individuals in New Jersey were recently taken into custody and are now facing serious charges. It was reported that authorities arrived at a home before 5 a.m. after they received a complaint about loud music. Officers allegedly knocked on the door numerous times before they were admitted into the residence. Upon entering, they purportedly noticed several individuals inside the residence, including adults and children.

A male adult and a female adult in the home apparently declined to turn off the music, and the woman allegedly attempted to push the officers out of the home. The woman also purportedly tried to keep an officer from placing handcuffs on the male suspect and reportedly resisted arrest herself. The man was taken into custody almost an hour after officers arrived on the scene. Authorities noted that both individuals smelled of alcohol. At this time, both the man and the woman are facing charges for aggravated assault, disorderly conduct and other allegations.

Because the aggravated assault charges relate to an incident involving an alleged assault on an officer, the allegations are quite severe. Therefore, it may be prudent for the individuals to assess the situation completely to better understand the charges they face in order to determine how they may wish to conduct their affairs regarding the legal situation. Gaining a better understanding of New Jersey criminal proceedings relating to assault may be valuable.

Source:, “Two arrested in Jersey City after loud music complaint turns into tussle with cops, report says“, Ken Thorbourne, Jan. 18, 2015


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