Murder charges brought against man in New Jersey

On Behalf of | Aug 3, 2015 | Violent Crimes |

Many individuals may consider some illegal activities worse than others. Indeed, in the eyes of the law, some crimes  are more severe and can yield more serious charges due to the nature of those alleged incidents. Therefore, if a person is facing steep allegations such as a murder charge, he or she may want to take their defense options into serious consideration.

One man in New Jersey may be hoping to defend against allegations that were recently brought against him. The situation reportedly began when a woman was found dead in her home. The details of the alleged incident are few, but it was reported that the man purportedly took his children to day care before returning to the home and killing the children’s mother in her sleep. The man and woman were apparently divorced but living together at the time. 

The woman’s mother stated that the man had alleged tried to kill the woman over a year ago, and he had recently tried to commit suicide himself. In this incident, the woman allegedly died due to sharp force and blunt force trauma. As a result of the purported situation, the man has been charged with murder and a weapon possession charge.

Murder charges can lead to severe punishment if the man is convicted of such allegations. However, the man is considered innocent until — and only if — a legal trial proves him guilty. Therefore, creating a meaningful defense is an option the man will likely want to consider. Information on what steps may suit his New Jersey case may help him move forward more confidently.

Source:, “Colonia woman allegedly killed while sleeping“, Suzanne Russell, July 25, 2015


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