How has ‘Raise the Age’ changed juvenile justice?

On Behalf of | Jan 22, 2025 | Juvenile Crimes |

New Jersey has taken a transformative step in juvenile justice in recent years. The state aims to provide a more rehabilitative approach for young offenders by raising the age of juvenile court jurisdiction. But what does this mean for you and your family? Let us explore the changes and their implications.

Raise the age: Why does it matter?

New Jersey’s “Raise the Age” law now lets people up to age 18 stay in the juvenile justice system instead of the adult system. Here is why this matters to you and your child:

  • Focus on rehabilitation: Juvenile courts aim to help your child improve rather than punish them. This approach makes it easier for them to fit back into society.
  • Age-appropriate services: Your child gets access to education, counseling, and community programs that match their needs.
  • Reduction in recidivism: Studies show that treating young offenders in juvenile systems makes them less likely to commit crimes again.

Under New Jersey law, this change follows national trends in treating young people in a way that suits their development. Your child can receive a fairer assessment based on their needs and what they require to improve.

How has this change impacted families and the justice system?

The shift in the juvenile justice system affects young individuals, their families, and the justice system in significant ways. Here is how:

  • Family involvement: Parents and guardians now play a more active role in the juvenile process, which helps to foster stronger family ties and support for young people.
  • System adjustments: Courts and detention facilities must adapt to manage the increased age range of young individuals, which requires more resources and specialized staff to meet their needs.
  • Community impact: Communities benefit from having fewer youths incarcerated in adult prisons, which promotes public safety and supports youth development.

These changes strive to create a supportive environment that encourages positive outcomes for young people.

Understanding the new landscape

The “Raise the Age” initiative in New Jersey changes how the state manages young offenders, focusing on providing more suitable treatment and rehabilitation for minors. As a parent or guardian, you must understand this new landscape. Talk to someone who knows juvenile law well to learn about the options available to your family. This proactive approach ensures your child gets the best support within the justice system.
