A domestic violence charge can carry serious penalties

On Behalf of | Jun 14, 2013 | Violent Crimes |

Domestic violence is a very serious crime in the state of New Jersey. Depending on the specific charges that are brought, an individual who is convicted of domestic violence can face hefty penalties including fines, jail and lengthy probation terms. If an individual is charged with domestic violence, or any form of aggravated assault, it is important that they speak with a qualified criminal defense attorney immediately.

A New Jersey man that was wanted for allegations of domestic violence was recently arrested following a daylong manhunt in Garfield, New Jersey, according to authorities. Garfield police officers reported that they were pursuing the suspect by car when he crashed his vehicle into a tree. The man then fled by foot into the residential Garfield neighborhood where law enforcement officials spent the day searching for him.

The search for the man included the aid of SWAT teams, which systematically searched homes within a set perimeter. Residents of approximately a dozen homes were asked to vacate their houses while officers swept the scene. Although authorities said that they did not know if the man was armed, the suspect was considered armed and dangerous due to past run-ins, but nothing about the past crimes were addressed.

Being accused of a serious crime like domestic violence can be incredibly scary. While the instinct to flee is understandable, it is never in the best interest of the person accused. The concern is that the flight will be seen as an admission of guilt. For individuals feeling the desire to flee, it is important that they speak with a criminal defense attorney first. There are often many more options available than most people think.

Source: NBC New York, “New Jersey Domestic Violence Suspect in Custody, After Police Chase, Manhunt,” Marc Santia, June 5, 2013
