Multiple Camden men arrested on three different murder charges

On Behalf of | Sep 5, 2013 | Violent Crimes |

Violent crimes include any crime that is committed through force or the threat of force. These crimes are taken especially seriously by law enforcement. From aggravated assault to murder, there is little tolerance among authorities for individuals who commit violent crimes. Nevertheless, not every act of violence is a crime. In fact, there are a number of mitigating factors that can have an effect on the outcome of a case.

State authorities recently brought criminal indictments against four Camden, New Jersey men on murder charges. The indictments reportedly stem from three different violent crimes that occurred in the Camden area. In the first event, a 25-year-old is accused of fatally shooting a 19-year-old in July. The same man was indicted earlier in the month on an aggravated manslaughter charge stemming from another gunfight.

The second suspect was arrested and indicted for allegations that he fatally shot a man at the corner of Viola Street and Broadway on August 27. The suspect in that case is 29-years-old. In the third case, state authorities claim that two men between the ages of 38 and 40 beat and robbed a man last November. The victim in that robbery case reportedly died from the injuries he sustained a week after the violent attack.

While each of the above descriptions may paint a picture of guilt, in reality the events surrounding cases such as these are often far more complex and nuanced than they are portrayed in the press. Furthermore, it is in the details where criminal defense attorneys can begin to build a viable defense to the charges. To establish a defense and have a fighting chance, however, it is necessary to speak with someone as soon as possible when one is faced with violent crime charges.

Source:, “4 Camden men indicted on murder charges in 3 deaths,” Joe Green, August 28, 2013


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