FBI releases 2012 report on violent crimes

On Behalf of | Jan 23, 2014 | Violent Crimes |

According to a recent report issued by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the United States experienced an increase in violent crimes in 2012. While not among the 10 states with the highest rate of aggravated assault charges or murder charges, New Jersey has seen a rise in violence. New Jersey Readers may find the following blog on recent efforts to reduce the growing rate of violent crime in New Jersey’s largest city interesting.

According to recent news reports, Newark is planning to place more police on the streets in an attempt to help stem the tide of growing violence in the city. The initiative is in response to a significant spike in the number of aggravated assaults and deaths that have occurred in the last year. In fact, according to news reports, 111 people died in violent crimes last year, making it the worst year for violent crimes in 20 years.

Interestingly, the recent spike in violent crime follows what had been a decline in such activity in the area. In 2008, for example, Newark saw a 10-year low in murders with fewer than 70 murders. While the rise in murder and other violent crimes is not entirely known, the police director of Newark attributes a large part of the problem to the recent increase in the number of illegal firearms that are entering the city.

Individuals facing aggravated assault or murder charges may need to speak with an experienced and qualified criminal defense attorney immediately. With so much on the line from long prison sentences to stiff fines there is no reason to wait.

Source: NJ.com, “Newark officials plan to hire 100 more police to stem violent crime,” January 08, 2014


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