Murder suspect in New Jersey shooting pleads not guilty

On Behalf of | Nov 5, 2014 | Violent Crimes |

When an individual is accused of a serious crime, he or she will likely have the option to enter a plea. Some parties may plead guilty in order to take advantage of a deal that may have come about, and other individuals may wish to maintain their innocence. If an individual is accused of murder and other allegations, creating a meaningful defense may be crucial.

A man in New Jersey may be hoping to create such a defense after he pleaded not guilty to charges that he faces. The situation reportedly took place when a group of individuals allegedly fired gunshots into a group of people. The reported shooting led to the death of a young girl and to the arrests of multiple individuals.

The man who recently entered his plea had been taken into custody after purportedly being located at a residence after a manhunt conducted by local police. Allegations of murder, attempted murder, conspiracy and other offenses were leveled against him. It was also noted that three other men and three juveniles were suspected of being involved in the incident as well.

Because he did not plead guilty, the man will likely wish to create a defense against the murder allegations and other charges he faces. In order to do so, he may want to explore defense options, request evidence from the prosecution or take other actions that could potentially be beneficial for his situation. Gathering information on New Jersey criminal proceedings related to his circumstances may also allow him to better prepare.

Source:, “Man pleads not guilty in shooting death of teen”, Nov. 1, 2014
