The attorneys of Sutnick & Sutnick Attorneys At Law working

Navigating Juvenile Penalties In New Jersey

Juvenile crimes impact minors under the age of 18. In New Jersey, juvenile courts focus on rehabilitation instead of punishment. However, there is no guarantee that youths charged with a crime will escape harsh consequences.That is where a confident and knowledgeable defense lawyer can make a difference. At Sutnick & Sutnick Attorneys at Law, our attorneys have unique insight into juvenile law due to considerable prior experience serving as prosecutors. That means we understand the strategies the prosecution may adopt and know how to counter them.

How Does New Jersey Penalize Juvenile Crimes?

Contrary to belief, some youth offenses can be subject to some of the same consequences as adults.

A juvenile court can pose potentially harsh penalties after convicting those under 18. Examples include:

  • Community service: Perform a certain number of hours of unpaid work for the benefit of the community
  • Fines: Paying a monetary penalty to the court or restitution to a victim
  • Probation: Complying with specific probationary terms or conditions like attending school or avoiding contact with certain people or places
  • Out-of-home placement: Removing the juvenile from home to a treatment center, group home or residential facility

Young defendants may be tried as adults and face adult penalties, such as long-term incarceration, in severe juvenile cases – a permanently life-changing outcome.

How We Can Help Juveniles And Their Families

Amid the whirlwind of anxiety and fear that criminal allegations can evoke, emotion may get in the way and affect your decisions. But an experienced lawyer can steer you back on track.

At Sutnick & Sutnick Attorneys at Law, you get more than legal representation and guidance. You get support, accurate knowledge and staunch advocacy for fair juvenile justice. We scrutinize evidence and investigate all potential inconsistencies to ensure the most favorable outcome possible. Our defense tactics can lead to reduced charges, alternative sentencing options or dismissal of the case altogether.

Contact our Hackensack and North Haledon offices using our online form or call 201-212-4532 to discuss your situation.