The attorneys of Sutnick & Sutnick Attorneys At Law working

Shoplifting And Immigration

Shoplifting Immigration Consequences

Many people do not realize that a shoplifting conviction can be life-changing — it can get you deported from the United States. Drug offenses and violent crimes are not the only criminal matters that can hurt your immigration status.

If you are not a U.S. citizen and you have been charged with shoplifting, it is essential that you obtain proper legal advice about your case before you talk to the police or the prosecution. Your ability to legally remain in this country may depend on how you respond to the charges. Generally speaking, it is important to fight shoplifting accusations if there is an underlying immigration concern.

If you need an experienced defense lawyer to help you protect yourself and your family, talk to Sutnick & Sutnick Attorneys at Law. We devote our practice to criminal defense, and we understand the complicated connection between criminal law and immigration law.

Our certified trial attorneys have helped many satisfied clients, and we will help you achieve the best possible results in your immigration law matter. Call anytime, day or night, for a FREE consultation.

Extensive Experience With Difficult Shoplifting Cases

At Sutnick & Sutnick Attorneys at Law, based in Hackensack and North Haledon, we have extensive experience with problematic shoplifting cases in Bergen County, Passaic County and elsewhere in New Jersey, including cases with related immigration consequences. Our attorneys provide strong defense representation to green card holders and nonresidents who have been accused of retail theft and other crimes. We can help you if you or a loved one has been charged with:

  • A misdemeanor or disorderly persons offense, which usually involves goods valued at less than $200
  • A felony involving goods of higher value
  • A financial crime such as credit card or insurance fraud
  • Robbery or receiving stolen property

Every shoplifting case is different. In many cases, we can work to have a charge amended or changed to an offense that does not carry the risk of deportation.

Free Consultations | Se Habla Español

We can answer your questions about shoplifting and immigration. Contact us or call 201-212-4532 for a free consultation.