What to Do if You Get Caught Stealing at Macy’s
If you or a loved one has been arrested for shoplifting at Macy’s, the shoplifting defense lawyers of Sutnick & Sutnick Attorneys at Law can assist you.
Our certified trial attorneys have helped many satisfied clients, and we will help you achieve the best possible results in your Macy’s shoplifting matter. Call anytime, day or night, for a FREE consultation.
Macy’s Shoplifting FAQs:
What Happens If You Get Caught Stealing at Macy’s?
Macy’s has a sophisticated operation for catching shoplifters that includes video surveillance, undercover store security and electronic tagging of certain items. If store security believes that any items were hidden and taken out of the store, the customer is stopped and questioned.
Sometimes store security notices a customer with an empty Macy’s shopping bag and pay attention to make sure no items are taken without payment. Other times store security sees a family pushing a stroller and notices that items are placed in a bottom pocket or under the seat in an attempt to conceal merchandise.
Macy’s has relationships with mall security and the local police department who respond right away when called about someone suspected of shoplifting.
After Macy’s stops an accused shoplifter, they may give a “no trespassing” order banning them from the store. Also, Macy’s demands that a civil penalty be paid to cover the store’s costs of stopping and prosecuting shoplifters.
Once a case is processed by the police, it is sent to the local criminal court where the penalties may include jail, fines and community service or probation.
Macy’s may prepare an External Apprehension Report which describes the event, the person accused and all of the property that was recovered by store security. If any merchandise was damaged while it was taken, the report notes that on the report.
What Will the Criminal Complaint for Shoplifting at Macy’s Say?
A criminal complaint for shoplifting will generally charge one of the following criminal statutes: N.J.S.A. 2C:20-11(b)(1) or N.J.S.A 2C: 20-11(b)(2).
If the property taken is clothing, the language in the complaint will say, “within the jurisdiction of this court, commit the offense of shoplifting by purposely taking any merchandise specifically described as clothing, displayed, held, stored or offered for sale at Macy’s, with the intent to deprive the owner of full value, specifically by selecting, concealing, and carrying away articles of clothing.”
What Are My Rights When Caught Shoplifting?
Once the police are involved, you have the right to remain silent and not incriminate yourself. It is important to retain an attorney immediately so that you are represented throughout the criminal proceedings.
An experienced lawyer can evaluate the evidence and determine the important facts. It is critical to obtain the best result possible because you want to protect your reputation. Even if you think you are guilty and you admitted taking property and the event is on surveillance video, you can obtain a favorable outcome with an experienced attorney. There may be relevant facts about you or your case that your attorney can use to help get a good result.
Can You Be Charged With Shoplifting After Leaving the Store?
Yes, but generally store security will stop you and take back the merchandise right away. It is possible to be charged criminally at a later time, but generally you will be stopped and the store will process the case and the evidence immediately.
If the police do not come to the store right away, you may receive a criminal complaint in the mail.
What Are the Consequences of Shoplifting for Minors in New Jersey?
Anyone under 18 years old who is charged with an offense or crime will have their criminal case processed in Family Court. The record of the proceeding will be sealed and any adjudication of delinquency will not appear on an adult criminal record. Generally, the Family Court wants to make sure that a juvenile understands that actions have consequences and will recommend community service or an essay about lessons learned or the payment of fines or a combination of these.
Is Shoplifting a Felony Crime in New Jersey?
Sometimes. It depends on the full retail value of the merchandise.
Property valued under $200 is a disorderly persons offense punishable by up to six months in jail, $1,000 fine, and at least 10 days of community service.
Any property valued over $200 is a felony crime.
Property valued between $200, but that does not exceed $500, is a fourth-degree crime punishable by up to 18 months in state prison, a $10,000 fine, and at least 10 days of community service.
Property valued between $500, but less than $75,000, is a third-degree crime punishable by up to 5 years in state prison, a $15,000 fine, and at least 10 days of community service.
Property valued at $75,000 or more is a second-degree crime punishable by up to 10 years in state prison, a $150,000 fine, and at least 10 days of community service.
Where Will I Go to Court If I Get Caught Shoplifting at Macy’s?
Anyone charged with shoplifting at Macy’s at the Westfield Garden State Plaza or Paramus Park Mall will have their case heard in Bergen County Superior Court, in Hackensack or in the Paramus Municipal Court, located in Jockish Square in Paramus.
Why Do You Need a Lawyer for a Shoplifting Arrest?
Because you only have one reputation and it is important to protect it. Every case is different and every person has unique needs. Only an experienced attorney can tailor the best result for your personal situation.
For example, if you are a student, or not a citizen, or you have never been in trouble before, you require personalized attention and your defense should be different than someone else with a different situation.
Whether it is a first arrest for shoplifting or your 3rd or 4th shoplifting charge, you deserve to get the best result in court. Everyone’s legal fight may look a little different, but everyone charged with a crime deserves a lawyer who fights for their rights and reputation.
Don’t Let A Shoplifting Arrest Hold You Back
Contact our New Jersey shoplifting defense lawyers by calling 201-212-4532 or by completing our online contact form to schedule a FREE consultation. From our offices in Hackensack, Wayne and the Bronx, we represent clients throughout Bergen County, Passaic County, Hudson County and New York City.